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How To Develop A Simple Facebook Application


With nandbox app builder, basically, you get to be the one who chooses the design and the features of the app with a click of a button. Certainly making the process much less sophisticated and costly. Avoid all the hassle of going back and forth with developers, instead, a simple drag-and-drop mechanism will save you tons of time and money!

nandbox app builder operates using a simple drag-and-drop mechanism, without any technical knowledge, you can create a full functioning application in five simple steps. Check out our definitive guides.

how to develop a simple facebook application

React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.

Above provided are just a few simple app ideas for your fan pages. While you perform your own search, you would find more of the app ideas to get your fans interacting with your page on regular basis. We would like to hear the ideas you may have for the application on Fan pages.

Creating Facebook applications or integrating websites with Facebook isn't complex or very time consuming. In case of Django there is for example django-facebook package that provides a lot of Facebook related features.

For checking other apps you will need a Facebook application (ID, secret from the app and canvas url set in the Facebook application). I'll cover showcased applications in a moment. The test view is under /canvas/ URL. Facebook requires SSL for applications and page tabs and the example projects has simple support for running via https. In Facebook application configuration set :8000/canvas/ as the canvas URL and then run runsslserver which will run it on :8000. Open the url in the browser - SSL certificate won't be trusted so add a rule to open it. Then you can open it via the facebook application canvas - signed request can be tested/showcased that way.

django-facebook-auth is the backend application for handling Facebook users. It has the FacebookUser model as well as authentication backends and token debugging celery tasks. It's used by other applications listed in this article.

facebook-javascript-authentication is an application for authenticating Facebook users in Django with the help of Facebook JavaScript SDK. The JS SDK authenticates against Facebook with given permissions scope and if successful passes the access token to the backend which then authenticates the user in Django.

Add to INSTALLED_APPS:'facebook_auth','facebook_javascript_sdk','facebook_javascript_authentication','javascript_settings',The javascript_settings application is used to pass the authentication view URL to JavaScript so that facebook_javascript_authentication can send an AJAX request to it.

facebook-signed-request handles special requests that Facebook makes to page tabs and Facebook applications (documentation) when a user opens them on Facebook. This application will verify this request and extract data from it. A middleware will assign extracted data to request.facebook. facebook-signed-request is a must-have for page tabs and Facebook applications.

To open a view within Facebook Canvas you will have to set it's url in the Facebook application configuration. Facebook accepts only HTTPS links so you will have to have a SSL certificate. In my example application I use :8000/canvas/ as the canvas URL. Django development server can't do SSL but django-sslserver can. Just start your application with runsslserver.

facebook-notifications is used for sending notifications on Facebook (documentation). They can be used to notify about some changes, events happening in your Facebook application. To some extent notifications can be used for websites - you will have to make a view that will be hooked as the canvas url so that it can handle incoming clicks from the notifications (you can link only to your Facebook application in the notifications). Such view should either redirect or display given page within Facebook iframe.

django-facebook-datastore is an application that stores some info about the user. There are three models that store profile data, user friends (within application users only) and user likes. Some data is available only after you get reviewed by facebook (for given permissions).

Ember.js is one of JavaScript frameworks for creating interactive single page web applications. Pages may change but the browser doesn't reload the page. This framework has some similarities with Django and can be good pick to start with such frontend applications for Django developers with some JavaScript knowledge.

Now things get interesting. Facebook has been pushing their Open Graph to allow developers to build more tightly integrated applications with Facebook. We're going to assume that you want to keep things simple and just want to connect your blog to Facebook. Follow these steps below to complete the process:

Now things get interesting. Facebook has been pushing their Open Graph to allow developers to build more tightly integrated applications with Facebook. We\'re going to assume that you want to keep things simple and just want to connect your blog to Facebook. Follow these steps below to complete the process:

As mentioned earlier, the dispatcher is also able to manage dependencies between stores. This functionality is available through the waitFor() method within the Dispatcher class. We did not need to use this method within the extremely simple TodoMVC application, but it becomes vital in a larger, more complex application.

Long registration forms that are a huge hassle to fill and a real pain to validate are now a thing of the past. These days, developers have worked around this thorny UX issue by using Facebook Login for their applications. 2ff7e9595c

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