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Ettercap log file permission denied: A simple and effective workaround


i tried on Centos 5, still the same even on tmp or root folder. from the tcpdump man page, privileges are dropped when used with -Z option (enabled by default) before opening first savefile. because you specified "-C 1", the permission denied occur because of the file size already reached 1, and when create new file it will raise an permission denied error. so just specify the -Z user

When I ran into this Permission denied issue it turned out to be that I was putting a .cap extension on the file instead of .pcap. As RichL pointed out in the comments, AppArmor profile on Ubuntu /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.tcpdump causes this.

Ettercap log file permission denied

This package contains the Common support files, configuration files,plugins, and documentation. You must also install eitherettercap-graphical or ettercap-text-only for the actual GUI-enabledor text-only ettercap executable, respectively.

Why is there Permission denied in .conf files in Linux Kali Operating system? to enabled eth0 in linux kali. because no wired connected shown. i tried linux command as bellow /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf it shows access denied.

(process:24409): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create directory '/opt/rh/httpd24/root/usr/share/httpd/.cache/dconf': Permission denied. dconf will not work properly.Leaking python objects bridged to UNO for reason pyuno runtime is not initialized, (the pyuno.bootstrap needs to be called before using any uno classes)Leaking python objects bridged to UNO for reason pyuno runtime is not initialized, (the pyuno.bootstrap needs to be called before using any uno classes) **** Warning: can't process font stream, loading font by the name. **** Warning: can't process font stream, loading font by the name. **** Warning: can't process font stream, loading font by the name. **** This file had errors that were repaired or ignored. **** The file was produced by: **** >>>> TCPDF 6.2.13 ( ) TCPDF 6.2.13 ( ) TCPDF 6.2.13 ( )

I am assuming that you are using Kali or another Debian based distro. All of ettercap's config files are found in /etc/ettercap/ by default. However your question does not expand on what would be running on 8080. ettercap is a network layer recon and exploitation tool. It doesn't really run an application on a certain port. If you are trying to redirect traffic to a web service running on port 8080 that would be another issue. If purely launching the graphical interface is giving you the issue above, you need to add sudo to the beginning of your command or give privileges to your current user to run ettercap by using groups and such. Please explain your issue in more depth.

Ettercap isn't the only tool for this, nor is it the most modern. Other tools, such as Bettercap, claim to do what Ettercap does but more effectively. However, Ettercap proves useful enough to feature for our demonstration. The general workflow of an Ettercap ARP spoofing attack is to join a network you want to attack, locate hosts on the network, assign targets to a "targets" file, and then execute the attack on the targets.

If all goes well in the screenshot above Bettercap should capture a .pcap file that will have the four-way handshake from the wifi access point. The next type of attack that Bettercap can perform is known as an association attack. Also known as a clientless attack, because it was discovered in 2018 by a user on the Hashcat forums that many modern routers append an optional field at the end of the first EAPOL frame sent by the AP itself when someone is associating. This optional field is the Robust Security Network or RSN which includes the PMKID. Using this PMKID, we can use already pre-obtained data to generate a four-way handshake that Hashcat can crack. Well luckily for us, Bettercap allows for wildcard commands that will look for any access point beacons and try to associate with them. Looking specifically for the PMKID. The command output can be shown in the screenshot below.

Once an access point responds with a valid RSN PMKID Bettercap will save the four-way handshake to a .pcap file. As you can see in the screenshot below the four-way handshake will be highlighted with red text.



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